Welcome to The Monthly Oxide, a newsletter where you learn something new about Rust and also get links to neat crates I’ve seen and articles I’ve read this past month. I’ve been taking a while to post this month’s article since the work required to get this working was more than my usual fare. This month I wanted to take a slightly different approach where we would build an async Rust executor from scratch using only the standard library. This is an adaptation of and complete overhaul of my async/await executors class from Rustconf back before async/await was even stable. I took the code, got it working with the actual stable interfaces now, and then updated it to be easier to use/work with as well as commenting how it all works. I’ve already finished it all and have it uploaded on GitHub where you can read it all beginning to end as a literate program where it both explains what is going on alongside the code itself. You can read it all there or clone it and play around with it yourself. I’m also including it in it’s entirety below if you prefer not to go somewhere else to read it. Since it also links some other articles I think are related and interesting I’m only including the crates section this month! I hope you all enjoy and learn something new today.
//! # A Whorlwind Tour in Building a Rust Async Exectuor
//! whorl is a self contained library to run asynchronous Rust code with the
//! following goals in mind:
//! - Keep it in one file. You should be able to read this code beginning to end
//! like a literate program and understand what each part does and how it fits
//! into the larger narrative. The code is organized to tell a story not
//! necessarily how I would normally structure Rust code.
//! - Teach others what is going on when you run async code in Rust with a runtime
//! like tokio. There is no magic, just many synchronous functions in an async
//! trenchcoat.
//! - Explain why different runtimes are incompatible even if they all run async
//! programs
//! - Only use the `std` crate to show that yes all the tools to build one exist
//! and if you wanted too, so could you
//! - Use only stable Rust, you can build this today, no fancy features needed
//! - Explain why `std` doesn't ship an executor just the building blocks
//! What whorl isn't:
//! - Performant, this is an adaptation of a class I gave at Rustconf a few
//! years back, it's first and foremost goal is to teach *how* an executor
//! works, not the best way to make it fast. Reading the tokio source
//! code would be a really good thing if you want to learn about how to make
//! things performant and scalable.
//! - "The Best Way". Programmers have opinions, I think we should maybe have
//! less of them sometimes. Even me. You might disagree with an API design
//! choice or a way I did something here and that's fine. I just want you to
//! learn how it all works.
//! - An introduction to Rust, this assumes you're somewhat familiar with it and
//! while I've done my best to break it down so that it is easy to understand
//! that just might not be the case and I might gloss over details given I've
//! done Rust for over 6 years at this point. Expert blinders are real and if
//! things are confusing do let me know in the issue tracker I'll try my best
//! to make it easier to grok, but if you've never touched Rust before this is
//! in all honesty not the best place to start.
//! With all of that in mind let's dig into it all!
pub mod futures {
//! This is our module to provide certain kinds of futures to users. In the case
//! of our [`Sleep`] future here this is not dependent on the runtime in
//! particular. We would be able to run this on any executor that knows how to
//! run a future. Where incompatibilities arise is if you use futures or types
//! that depend on the runtime or traits not defined inside of the standard
//! library. For instance `std` does not provide an `AsyncRead`/`AsyncWrite`
//! trait as of Oct 2021. As a result if you want to provide the functionality
//! to asynchronously read or write to something then that trait tends to be
//! written for an executor. So tokio would have it's own `AsyncRead` and so
//! would ours for instance. Now if a new library wanted to write a type that
//! can say read from a network socket asynchronously, they'd have to write an
//! implementation of `AsyncRead` for both executors. Not great. Another way
//! incompatiblities can arise is when those futures depend on the state of the
//! runtime itself. Now that implementation is locked to the runtime.
//! Sometimes this is actually okay, maybe the only way to implement
//! something is depending on the runtime state. In other ways it's not
//! great, things like `AsyncRead`/`AsyncWrite` would be perfect additions
//! to the standard library at some point since they describe things that
//! everyone would need, much like how `Read`/`Write` are in stdlib and we
//! all can write generic code that says I will work with anything that I
//! can read or write too.
//! This is why, however, things like Future, Context, Wake, Waker etc. all
//! the components we need to build an executor are in the standard library.
//! It means anyone can build an executor and accept most futures or work
//! with most libraries without needing to worry about which executor they
//! use. It reduces the burden on maintainers and users. In some cases
//! though we can't avoid it. Something to keep in mind as you navigate the
//! async ecosystem and see that some libraries can work on any executor or
//! some ask you to opt into which executor you want with a feature flag.
use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
/// A future that will allow us to sleep and block further execution of the
/// future it's used in without blocking the thread itself. It will be
/// polled and if the timer is not up then it will yield execution to the
/// executor.
pub struct Sleep {
/// What time the future was created at, not when it was started to be
/// polled.
now: SystemTime,
/// How long in the future in ms we must wait till we return
/// that the future has finished polling.
ms: u128,
impl Sleep {
/// A simple API whereby we take in how long the consumer of the API
/// wants to sleep in ms and set now to the time of creation and
/// returning the type itself which is a Future.
pub fn new(ms: u128) -> Self {
Self {
now: SystemTime::now(),
impl Future for Sleep {
/// We don't need to return a value for [`Sleep`] as we just want it to
/// block execution for awhile when someone calls `await` on it.
type Output = ();
/// The actual implementation of the future where you can call poll on
/// [`Sleep`] if it's pinned and the pin has a mutable reference to
/// [`Sleep`]. In this case we don't need to utilize
/// [`Context`][std::task::Context] here and in fact you often will not.
/// It only serves to provide access to a `Waker` in case you need to
/// wake the task. Since we always do that in our executor we don't need
/// to do so here, but you might find if you manually write a future
/// that you need access to the waker to do a special way to wake up the
/// task. Waking up the task just means we put it back into the executor
/// to be polled again.
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// If enough time has passed then when we're polled we say that
// we're ready and the future has slept enough. If not we just say
// that we're pending and need to be re polled because not enough
// time has passed.
if self.now.elapsed().unwrap().as_millis() >= self.ms {
} else {
// In practice what we do when we sleep is something like this:
// ```
// async fn example() {
// Sleep::new(2000).await;
// }
// ```
// Which is neat and all but how is that future being polled? Well this
// all desugars out to:
// ```
// fn example() -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
// let mut sleep = Sleep::new(2000);
// loop {
// match Pin::new(sleep).as_mut().poll(&mut context) {
// Poll::Ready(()) => (),
// // You cant'
// Poll::Pending => yield,
// }
// }
// }
/// To understand what we'll build we need to see and understand what we will
/// run and the output we expect to see. Note that if you wish to run this test
/// you should use the command `cargo test -- --nocapture` so that you can see
/// the output of `println` being used, otherwise it'll look like nothing is
/// happening at all for a while.
fn library_test() {
// We're going to import our Sleep future to make sure that it works,
// because it's not a complicated future and it's easy to see the
// asynchronous nature of the code.
use crate::{futures::Sleep, runtime};
// We want some random numbers so that the sleep futures finish at different
// times. If we didn't then the code would look synchronous in nature even
// if it isn't. This is because we schedule and poll tasks in what is
// essentially a loop unless we use block_on.
use rand::Rng;
// We need to know the time to show when a future completes. Time is cursed
// and it's best we dabble not too much in it.
use std::time::SystemTime;
// This function causes the runtime to block on this future. It does so by
// just taking this future and polling it till completion in a loop and
// ignoring other tasks on the queue. Sometimes you need to block on async
// functions and treat them as sync. A good example is running a webserver,
// you'd want it to always be running, not just sometimes, and so blocking
// it makes sense. In a single threaded executor this would block all
// execution. In our case our executor is single threaded, technically, it
// runs on a separate thread from our program and so blocks running other
// tasks, but the main function will keep running. This is why we call
// `wait` to make sure we wait till all futures finish executing before
// exiting.
runtime::block_on(async {
const SECOND: u128 = 1000; //ms
println!("Begin Asynchronous Execution");
// Create a random number generator so we can generate random numbers
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
// A small function to generate the time in seconds when we call it.
let time = || {
// Spawn 5 different futures on our executor
for i in 0..5 {
// Generate the two numbers between 1 and 9. We'll spawn two futures
// that will sleep for as many seconds as the random number creates
let random = rng.gen_range(1..10);
let random2 = rng.gen_range(1..10);
// We now spawn a future onto the runtime from within our future
runtime::spawn(async move {
println!("Spawned Fn #{:02}: Start {}", i, time());
// This future will sleep for a certain amount of time before
// continuing execution
Sleep::new(SECOND * random).await;
// After the future waits for a while it then spawns another
// future before printing that it finished. This spawned future
// then sleeps for a while and then prints out when it's done.
// Since we're spawning futures inside futures the order of
// execution can change.
runtime::spawn(async move {
Sleep::new(SECOND * random2).await;
println!("Spawned Fn #{:02}: Inner {}", i, time());
println!("Spawned Fn #{:02}: Ended {}", i, time());
// To demonstrate that block_on works we block inside this future before
// we even begin polling the other futures.
runtime::block_on(async {
// This sleeps longer than any of the spawned functions but we poll
// this to completion first even if we await here
println!("Blocking Function Polled To Completion");
// We now wait on the runtime to complete each of the tasks that were
// spawned before we exit the program
println!("End of Asynchronous Execution");
// When all is said and done when we run this test we should get output that
// looks somewhat like this (though in different orders):
// Begin Asynchronous Execution
// Blocking Function Polled To Completion
// Spawned Fn #00: Start 1634664688
// Spawned Fn #01: Start 1634664688
// Spawned Fn #02: Start 1634664688
// Spawned Fn #03: Start 1634664688
// Spawned Fn #04: Start 1634664688
// Spawned Fn #01: Ended 1634664690
// Spawned Fn #01: Inner 1634664691
// Spawned Fn #04: Ended 1634664694
// Spawned Fn #04: Inner 1634664695
// Spawned Fn #00: Ended 1634664697
// Spawned Fn #02: Ended 1634664697
// Spawned Fn #03: Ended 1634664697
// Spawned Fn #00: Inner 1634664698
// Spawned Fn #03: Inner 1634664698
// Spawned Fn #02: Inner 1634664702
// End of Asynchronous Execution
pub mod lazy {
use std::{
// We don't want to use `static mut` since that's UB and so instead we need
// a way to set our statics for our code at runtime. Since we want this to
// work across threads we can't use `Cell` or `RefCell` here, and since it's
// a static we can't use a `Mutex` as it'w `new` function is not const. That
// means we need to use the actual type that all of these types use to hold
// the data: [`UnsafeCell`]! We'll see below where this is used and how, but
// just know that this will let us set some global values at runtime!
// If you want to import the module to use while also specifying other
// imports you can use self to do that. In this case it will let us call
// `mem::swap` while also letting us just use `MaybeUninit` without any
// extra paths prepended to it. I tend to do this for functions that are
// exported at the module level and not encapsulated in a type so that
// it's more clear where it comes from, but that's a personal
// preference! You could just as easily import `swap` here instead!
// `MaybeUninit` is the only way to represent a value that's possibly
// uninitialized without causing instant UB with `std::mem::uninitialized`
// or `std::mem::zeroed`. There's more info in the docs here:
// https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/mem/union.MaybeUninit.html#initialization-invariant
// We need this so that we can have an UnsafeCell with nothing inside it
// until we initialize it once and only once without causing UB and
// having nasal demons come steal random data and give everyone a bad
// time.
// Sometimes you need to make sure that something is only done once and
// only once. We also might want to make sure that no matter on what
// thread this holds true. Enter `Once` a really great synchronization
// type that's around for just this purpose. It also has the nice
// property that if say it get's called to be initialized across many
// threads that it only runs the initialization function once and has
// the other threads wait until it's done before letting them continue
// with their execution.
/// We want to have a static value that's set at runtime and this executor will
/// only use libstd. As of 10/26/21 the lazy types in std are still only on
/// nightly and we can't use another crate so crates like `once_cell` and
/// `lazy_static` are also out. Thus we create our own Lazy type so that it will
/// calculate the value only once and only when we need it.
pub struct Lazy<T> {
/// `Once` is a neat synchronization primitive that we just talked about
/// and this is where we need it! We want to make sure we only write into
/// the value of the Lazy type once and only once. Otherwise we'd have some
/// really bad things happen if we let static values be mutated. It'd break
/// thread safety!
once: Once,
/// The cell is where we hold our data. The use of `UnsafeCell` is what lets
/// us sidestep Rust's guarantees provided we actually use it correctly and
/// still uphold those guarantees. Rust can't always validate that
/// everything is safe, even if it is, and so the flexibility it provides
/// with certain library types and unsafe code let's us handle those cases
/// where the compiler cannot possibly understand it's okay. We also use the
/// `MaybeUninit` type here to avoid undefined behavior with uninitialized
/// data. We'll need to drop the inner value ourselves though to avoid
/// memory leaks because data may not be initialized and so the type won't
/// call drop when it's not needed anymore. We could get away with not doing
/// it though since we're only using it for static values, but let's be
/// thorough here!
cell: UnsafeCell<MaybeUninit<T>>,
impl<T> Lazy<T> {
/// We must construct the type using a const fn so that it can be used in
/// `static` contexts. The nice thing is that all of the function calls we
/// make here are also const and so this will just work. The compiler will
/// figure it all out and make sure the `Lazy` static value exists in our
/// final binary.
pub const fn new() -> Self {
Self {
once: Once::new(),
cell: UnsafeCell::new(MaybeUninit::uninit()),
/// We want a way to check if we have initialized the value so that we can
/// get the value from cell without causing who knows what kind of bad
/// things if we read garbage data.
fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool {
/// This function will either grab a reference to the type or creates it
/// with a given function
pub fn get_or_init(&self, func: fn() -> T) -> &T {
self.once.call_once(|| {
// /!\ SAFETY /!\: We only ever write to the cell once
// We first get a `*mut MaybeUninit` to the cell and turn it into a
// `&mut MaybeUninit`. That's when we call `write` on `MaybeUninit`
// to pass the value of the function into the now initialized
// `MaybeUninit`.
(unsafe { &mut *self.cell.get() }).write(func());
// /!\ SAFETY /!\: We already made sure `Lazy` was initialized with our call to
// `call_once` above
// We now want to actually retrieve the value we wrote so that we can
// use it! We get the `*mut MaybeUninit` from the cell and turn it into
// a `&MaybeUninit` which then let's us call `assume_init_ref` to get
// the `&T`. This function much like `get` is also unsafe but since we
// know that the value is initialized then it's fine to call this!
unsafe { &(*self.cell.get()).assume_init_ref() }
/// We now need to implement `Drop` by hand specifically because `MaybeUninit`
/// will need us to drop the value it holds by ourselves only if it exists. We
/// check if the value exists, swap it out with an uninitialized value and then
/// change `MaybeUninit<T>` into just a `T` with a call to `assume_init` and
/// then call `drop` on `T` itself
impl<T> Drop for Lazy<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.is_initialized() {
let old = mem::replace(unsafe { &mut *self.cell.get() }, MaybeUninit::uninit());
drop(unsafe { old.assume_init() });
/// Now you might be asking yourself why we are implementing these traits by
/// hand and also why it's unsafe to do so. `UnsafeCell`is the big reason here
/// and you can see this by uncommenting these lines and trying to compile the
/// code. Because of how auto traits work then if any part is not `Send` and
/// `Sync` then we can't use `Lazy` for a static. Note that auto traits are a
/// compiler specific thing where if everything in a type implements a trait
/// then that type also implements it. `Send` and `Sync` are great examples of
/// this where any type become `Send` and/or `Sync` if all it's types implement
/// them too! `UnsafeCell` specifically implements !Sync and since it is not
/// `Sync` then it can't be used in a `static`. We can override this behavior
/// though by implementing these traits for `Lazy` here though. We're saying
/// that this is okay and that we uphold the invariants to be `Send + Sync`. We
/// restrict it though and say that this is only the case if the type `T`
/// *inside* `Lazy` is `Sync` only if `T` is `Send + Sync`. We know then that
/// this is okay because the type in `UnsafeCell` can be safely referenced
/// through an `&'static` and that the type it holds is also safe to use across
/// threads. This means we can set `Lazy` as `Send + Sync` even though the
/// internal `UnsafeCell` is !Sync in a safe way since we upheld the invariants
/// for these traits.
unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Lazy<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: Send + Sync> Sync for Lazy<T> {}
pub mod runtime {
use std::{
// We need a place to put the futures that get spawned onto the runtime
// somewhere and while we could use something like a `Vec` we chose a
// `LinkedList` here. One reason being that we can put tasks at the front of
// the queue if they're a blocking future. The other being that we use a
// constant amount of memory. We only ever use as much as we need for tasks.
// While this might not matter at a small scale, this does at a larger
// scale. If your `Vec` never gets smaller and you have a huge burst of
// tasks under say heavy http loads in a web server then you end up eating
// up a lot of memory that could be used for other things running on the
// same machine. In essence what you've created is a kind of memory leak
// unless you make sure to resize the Vec. @mycoliza did a good twitter
// thread on this here if you want to learn more!
// https://twitter.com/mycoliza/status/1298399240121544705
// A Future is the fundamental block of any async executor. It is a trait
// that types can make or an unnameable type that an async function can
// make. We say it's unnameable because you don't actually define the type
// anywhere and just like a closure you can only specify it's behavior with
// a trait, you can't give it a name like you would when you do something
// like `pub struct Foo;`. These types whether nameable or not represent all
// the state needed to have an asynchronous function. You poll the future to
// drive it's computation along like a state machine that makes transistions
// from one state to another till it finishes. If you reach a point where it
// would yield execution then it needs to be rescheduled to be polled again
// in the future. It yields though so that you can drive other futures
// forward in their computation!
// This is the important part to understand here with the executor: the
// Future trait defines the API we use to drive forward computation of it,
// while the implementor of the trait defines how that computation will work
// and when to yield to the executor. You'll see later that we have an
// example of writing a `Sleep` future by hand as well as unnameable async
// code using `async { }` and we'll expand on when those yield and what it
// desugars too in practice. We're here to demystify the mystical magic of
// async code.
// Ah Pin. What a confusing type. The best way to think about `Pin` is that
// it records when a value became immovable or pinned in place. `Pin` doesn't
// actually pin the value, it just notes that the value will not move, much
// in the same way that you can specify Rust lifetimes. It only records what
// the lifetime already is, it doesn't actually create said lifetime! At the
// bottom of this I've linked some more in depth reading on Pin, but if you
// don't know much about Pin starting with the standard library docs isn't a
// bad place.
// Note Unpin is also a confusing name and if you think of it as
// MaybePinned you'll have a better time as the value may be pinned or it
// may not be pinned. It just marks that if you have a Pinned value and it
// moves that's okay and it's safe to do so, whereas for types that do not
// implement Unpin and they somehow move, will cause some really bad things
// to happen since it's not safe for the type to be moved after being
// pinned. We create our executor with the assumption that every future we
// get will need to be a pinned value, even if it is actually Unpin. This
// makes it nicer for everyone using the executor as it's very easy to make
// types that do not implement Unpin.
// What's not to love about Atomics? This lets us have thread safe
// access to primitives so that we can modify them or load them using
// Ordering to tell the compiler how it should handle giving out access
// to the data. Atomics are a rather deep topic that's out of scope for
// this. Just note that we want to change a bool and usize safely across
// threads!
atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicUsize, Ordering},
// Arc is probably one of the more important types we'll use in the
// executor. It lets us freely clone cheap references to the data and that
// we can use across threads while making it easy to not have to worry about
// complicated lifetimes since we can easily own the data with a call to
// clone. It's one of my favorite types in the standard library.
// Normally I would use `parking_lot` for a Mutex, but the goal is to
// use stdlib only. A personal gripe is that it cares about Mutex
// poisoning (when a thread panics with a hold on the lock), which is
// not something I've in practice run into (others might!) and so calling
// `lock().unwrap()` everywhere can get a bit tedious. That being said
// Mutex's are great. You make sure only one thing has access to the data
// at any given time to access or change it.
// The task module contains all of the types and traits related to
// having an executor that can create and run tasks that are `Futures`
// that need to be polled.
// `Context` is passed in every call to `poll` for a `Future`. We
// didn't use it in our `Sleep` one, but it has to be passed in
// regardless. It gives us access to the `Waker` for the future so
// that we can call it ourselves inside the future if need be!
// Poll is the enum returned from when we poll a `Future`. When we
// call `poll` this drives the `Future` forward until it either
// yields or it returns a value. `Poll` represents that. It is
// either `Poll::Pending` or `Poll::Ready(T)`. We use this to
// determine if a `Future` is done or not and if not then we should
// keep polling it.
// This is a trait to define how something in an executor is woken
// up. We implement it for `Task` which is what lets us create a
// `Waker` from it, to then make a `Context` which can then be
// passed into the call to `poll` on the `Future` inside the `Task`.
// A `Waker` is the type that has a handle to the runtime to let it
// know when a task is ready to be scheduled for polling. We're
// doing a very simple version where as soon as a `Task` is done
// polling we tell the executor to wake it. Instead what you might
// want to do when creating a `Future` is have a more involved way
// to only wake when it would be ready to poll, such as a timer
// completing, or listening for some kind of signal from the OS.
// It's kind of up to the executor how it wants to do it. Maybe how
// it schedules things is different or it has special behavior for
// certain `Future`s that it ships with it. The key thing to note
// here is that this is how tasks are supposed to be resheduled for
// polling.
/// This is it, the thing we've been alluding to for most of this file. It's
/// the `Runtime`! What is it? What does it do? Well the `Runtime` is what
/// actually drives our async code to completion. Remember asynchronous code
/// is just code that gets run for a bit, yields part way through the
/// function, then continues when polled and it repeats this process till
/// being completed. In reality what this means is that the code is run
/// using synchronous functions that drive tasks in a concurrent manner.
/// They could also be run concurrently and/or in parallel if the executor
/// is multithreaded. Tokio is a good example of this model where it runs
/// tasks in parallel on separate threads and if it has more tasks then
/// threads it runs them concurrently on those threads.
/// Our `Runtime` in particular has:
pub(crate) struct Runtime {
/// A queue to place all of the tasks that are spawned on the runtime
queue: Queue,
/// A `Spawner` which can spawn tasks onto our queue for us easily and
/// lets us call `spawn` and `block_on` with ease
spawner: Spawner,
/// A counter for how many Tasks are on the runtime. We use this in
/// conjunction with `wait` to block until there are no more tasks on
/// the executor.
tasks: AtomicUsize,
/// Our runtime type is designed such that we only ever have one running.
/// You might want to have multiple running in production code though. For
/// instance you limit what happens on one runtime for a free tier version
/// and let the non free version use as many resources as it can. We
/// implement 3 functions, `start`to actually get async code running, `get`
/// so that we can get references to the runtime, and `spawner` a
/// convenience function to get a `Spawner` to spawn tasks onto the `Runtime`.
impl Runtime {
/// This is what actually drives all of our async code. We spawn a
/// separate thread that loops getting the next task off the queue and
/// if it exists polls it or continues if not. It also checks if the
/// task should block and if it does it just keeps polling the task
/// until it completes! Otherwise it wakes the task to put it back in
/// the queue in the non blocking version if it's still pending.
/// Otherwise it drops the task by not putting it back into the queue
/// since it's completed.
fn start() {
std::thread::spawn(|| loop {
let task = match Runtime::get().queue.lock().unwrap().pop_front() {
Some(task) => task,
None => continue,
if task.will_block() {
while let Poll::Pending = task.poll() {}
} else {
if let Poll::Pending = task.poll() {
/// A function to get a reference to the `Runtime`
pub(crate) fn get() -> &'static Runtime {
/// A function to get a new `Spawner` from the `Runtime`
pub(crate) fn spawner() -> Spawner {
/// This is the initialization function for our `RUNTIME` static below. We
/// make a call to start it up and then return a `Runtime` to be put in the
/// static value
fn setup_runtime() -> Runtime {
// This is okay to call because any calls to `Runtime::get()` in here will be blocked
// until we fully initialize the `Lazy` type thanks to the `call_once`
// function on `Once` which blocks until it finishes initializing.
// So we start the runtime inside the initialization function which depends
// on it being initialized, but it is able to wait until the runtime is
// actually initialized and so it all just works.
let queue = Arc::new(Mutex::new(LinkedList::new()));
Runtime {
spawner: Spawner {
queue: queue.clone(),
tasks: AtomicUsize::new(0),
/// With all of the work we did in `crate::lazy` we can now create our static type to represent
/// the singular `Runtime` when it is finally initialized by the `setup_runtime` function.
static RUNTIME: crate::lazy::Lazy<Runtime> = crate::lazy::Lazy::new();
// The queue is a single linked list that contains all of the tasks being
// run on it. We hand out access to it using a Mutex that has an Arc
// pointing to it so that we can make sure only one thing is touching the
// queue state at a given time. This isn't the most efficient pattern
// especially if we wanted to have the runtime be truly multi threaded, but
// for the purposes of the code this works just fine.
type Queue = Arc<Mutex<LinkedList<Arc<Task>>>>;
/// We've talked about the `Spawner` a lot up till this point, but it's
/// really just a light wrapper around the queue that knows how to push
/// tasks onto the queue and create new ones.
pub(crate) struct Spawner {
queue: Queue,
impl Spawner {
/// This is the function that gets called by the `spawn` function to
/// actually create a new `Task` in our queue. It takes the `Future`,
/// constructs a `Task` and then pushes it to the back of the queue.
fn spawn(self, future: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync + 'static) {
self.inner_spawn(Task::new(false, future));
/// This is the function that gets called by the `spawn_blocking` function to
/// actually create a new `Task` in our queue. It takes the `Future`,
/// constructs a `Task` and then pushes it to the front of the queue
/// where the runtime will check if it should block and then block until
/// this future completes.
fn spawn_blocking(self, future: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync + 'static) {
self.inner_spawn_blocking(Task::new(true, future));
/// This function just takes a `Task` and pushes it onto the queue. We use this
/// both for spawning new `Task`s and to push old ones that get woken up
/// back onto the queue.
fn inner_spawn(self, task: Arc<Task>) {
/// This function takes a `Task` and pushes it to the front of the queue
/// if it is meant to block. We use this both for spawning new blocking
/// `Task`s and to push old ones that get woken up back onto the queue.
fn inner_spawn_blocking(self, task: Arc<Task>) {
/// Spawn a non-blocking `Future` onto the `whorl` runtime
pub fn spawn(future: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync + 'static) {
/// Block on a `Future` and stop others on the `whorl` runtime until this
/// one completes.
pub fn block_on(future: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync + 'static) {
/// Block further execution of a program until all of the tasks on the
/// `whorl` runtime are completed.
pub fn wait() {
let runtime = Runtime::get();
while runtime.tasks.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0 {}
/// The `Task` is the basic unit for the executor. It represents a `Future`
/// that may or may not be completed. We spawn `Task`s to be run and poll
/// them until completion in a non-blocking manner unless specifically asked
/// for.
struct Task {
/// This is the actual `Future` we will poll inside of a `Task`. We `Box`
/// and `Pin` the `Future` when we create a task so that we don't need
/// to worry about pinning or more complicated things in the runtime. We
/// also need to make this is `Send + Sync` so we can use it across threads
/// and so we lock the `Pin<Box<dyn Future>>` inside a `Mutex`.
future: Mutex<Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync + 'static>>>,
/// We need a way to check if the runtime should block on this task that
/// can also work across threads. We use `AtomicBool` here to do just
/// that.
block: AtomicBool,
impl Task {
/// This constructs a new task by increasing the count in the runtime of
/// how many tasks there are, pinning the `Future`, and wrapping it all
/// in an `Arc`.
fn new(
blocking: bool,
future: impl Future<Output = ()> + Send + Sync + 'static,
) -> Arc<Self> {
Runtime::get().tasks.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
Arc::new(Task {
future: Mutex::new(Box::pin(future)),
block: AtomicBool::new(blocking),
/// We want to use the `Task` itself as a `Waker` which we'll get more
/// into below. This is a convenience method to construct a new `Waker`.
/// A neat thing to note for `poll` and here as well is that we can
/// restrict a method such that it will only work when `self` is a
/// certain type. In this case you can only call `waker` if the type is
/// a `&Arc<Task>`. If it was just `Task` it would not compile or work.
fn waker(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Waker {
/// This is a convenience method to `poll` a `Future` by creating the
/// `Waker` and `Context` and then getting access to the actual `Future`
/// inside the `Mutex` and calling `poll` on that.
fn poll(self: &Arc<Self>) -> Poll<()> {
let waker = self.waker();
let mut ctx = Context::from_waker(&waker);
self.future.lock().unwrap().as_mut().poll(&mut ctx)
/// Checks the `block` field to see if the `Task` is blocking.
fn will_block(&self) -> bool {
/// Since we increase the count everytime we create a new task we also need
/// to make sure that it *also* decreases the count every time it goes out
/// of scope. This implementation of `Drop` does just that so that we don't
/// need to bookeep about when and where to subtract from the count.
impl Drop for Task {
fn drop(&mut self) {
Runtime::get().tasks.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
/// `Wake` is the crux of all of this executor as it's what lets us
/// reschedule a task when it's ready to be polled. Wor our implementation
/// we do a simple check to see if the task blocks or not and then spawn it back
/// onto the executor in an appropriate manner.
impl Wake for Task {
fn wake(self: Arc<Self>) {
if self.will_block() {
} else {
// That's it! A full asynchronous runtime with comments all in less than 1000
// lines. Most of that being the actual comments themselves. I hope this made
// how Rust async executors work less magical and more understandable. It's a
// lot to take in, but at the end of the day it's just keeping track of state
// and a couple of loops to get it all working. If you want to see how to write
// a more performant executor that's being used in production and works really
// well then consider reading the source code for `tokio`. I myself learned
// quite a bit reading it and it's fascinating and fairly well documented.
// If you're interested in learning even more about async rust or you want to
// learn more in depth things about it then I recommend reading this list list
// of resources and articles I've found useful that are worth your time:
// - Asynchronous Programming in Rust: https://rust-lang.github.io/async-book/01_getting_started/01_chapter.html
// - Getting in and out of trouble with Rust futures: https://fasterthanli.me/articles/getting-in-and-out-of-trouble-with-rust-futures
// - Pin and Suffering: https://fasterthanli.me/articles/pin-and-suffering
// - Understanding Rust futures by going way too deep: https://fasterthanli.me/articles/understanding-rust-futures-by-going-way-too-deep
// - How Rust optimizes async/await
// - Part 1: https://tmandry.gitlab.io/blog/posts/optimizing-await-1/
// - Part 2: https://tmandry.gitlab.io/blog/posts/optimizing-await-2/
// - The standard library docs have even more information and are worth reading.
// Below are the modules that contain all the types and traits necessary to
// actually create and run async code. They're fairly in depth and sometimes
// require reading other parts to understand a specific part in a really weird
// dependency graph of sorts, but armed with the knowledge of this executor it
// should be a bit easier to grok what it all means!
// - task module: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/task/index.html
// - pin module: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/pin/index.html
// - future module: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/future/index.html
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